Saint Nicholas - University Chapel, located in the core center of Bucharest, an unique monument in Romania,  is one of the most visited touristic objectives in Bucharest, according to international touristic guides.

With public funding from the Cultural Ministry, as well as from private donations, we have finished the consolidation and restoration work of the main tower, as well as the restoration of the mural painting.

However, we still need funding for the work in progress, namely: restoration of the roof and of the church facades.

In the view of the above, your assistance would be much appreciated.

Our financial details are:

Title: "Saint Nicholas” Orthodox University Chapel
Address: Bucharest, Str. Ion Ghica nr. 9, Sector 3, Romania
Fiscal Code: 11488200
IBAN Account: RO46RNCB0090109167840001
Community life
Church leaflet in a new version


Church leaflet in a new version More

Holy Week More

Meeting with Bishop Macarie of North Europe More

Reading the Psalter during the Great Lent More

Come, let us sing a Christmas carol! More

Commemorating Saint Nicholas - the patron saint of the church More

A.S.C.O.R. conferences in commemoration of Fr. Dumitru Staniloae More

Christmas carols More

Commemorating Fr. Dumitru Staniloae - A.S.C.O.R. Conferences More

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